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It is possible to define the main lines of techno-nationalism as follows: Public or at least state-directed industrial policies and investments; national power projection with expensive investments in future industries; Investing in tomorrow, not today; investment in advanced technologies to achieve autonomy in the defense industry; means less or limited/conditional cooperation with other countries.
The invention of the term techno-nationalism dates back to an essay written by the American Robert Reich in 1987. 
At a time when Japan was seen as a powerful threat to the US economy, Reich defines the term as operating in the axis of US technology policy, as follows, techno-nationalism is "an attempt to protect America's future technological breakthroughs from exploitation at the hands of foreigners, especially Japanese." When the term first came out, it is used for Japan, then other Asian economies, for example, today, for China, against China, but with a patchwork of China itself.
While globalization reveals an information-value and information-intensive production process that reveals the dominance of information in capital production, it also accelerates the fluidity of information. Access to fluid information is a very important variable that determines interstate superiority, for this it is sufficient to consider the parallelism of countries' contribution to the field of science and their strength in the field of military technology.
 Although the USA is the pioneer, China's performance in scientific innovation and military power seems to emerge as a new and powerful threat to the USA when it coincides with techno-nationalism. However, China has some problems in itself, for example, the reluctance of most of the Chinese scientists and engineers abroad to return depends on the form of freedom of thought and social mobility in China, the idea of being a world citizen, that is, the political culture that will develop in China.
In any case, it is a very natural process for countries to use the technology they have to gain superiority and competition for their own countries.
In this sense, it is not possible to see an example of a country that does not have a techno-nationalist idea. In other words, as claimed by techno-globalists (in parallel with the claims of optimistic globalists), the claim of "reaching global interests by making use of globalization" has no meaning beyond rhetoric. Because the richest countries in the world do not seem willing to show the global benefit by sharing the vaccine of the covid 19 virus, which is a threat to all humanity and which has emerged in China and caused a nightmare to the whole world, with all humanity. Therefore, the discourse uttered by the globalists on behalf of all humanity does not serve more than satisfying the altruistic feelings of those who speak it, rather than a discourse that is a medicine for humanity.
In addition to following nationalism at micro level, Turkey needs to make the concept of TECHNO-NATIONALISM a state policy with an independent industrial and agricultural policies in every field at macro level.

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